I Gotta Backpack Full of Clothes and Smokes Thanks Again

latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris 2020

Artikel ini memberikan latihan soal Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) untuk SMA Bahasa Inggris tahun 2020


Penyebaran kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia menyebabkan beberapa daerah menutup sekolah dan universitas. Hal ini pun berakibat penundaan Ujian Nasional di sejumlah daerah dan pemberlakukan protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah COVID-19. Di tengah situasi seperti ini, kamu harus #TetapSehatTetapBelajar ya. Ayo, semangat menyambut Ujian Nasional 2020 dengan berlatih soal bahasa Inggris berikut ini.

latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

Man: Uncle Dan is going to visit us this weekend.

Adult female : That is great! We can spend all day in the city with him.

Human: Yeah, we can get to the movie theatre and endeavour new cafes.

Woman: I can't wait to run across him.

Topik : Common Expression one

Subtopik : Expression of Sadness, Sympathy, Happiness, and Affection

Level kognitif: HOTS

i. What are the human and the woman talking about?

  1. Weekend plans
  2. Seeing a movie
  3. Going to the city
  4. Trying new cafes
  5. Uncle Dan'southward activities

Jawaban: A


Kedua pembicara sedang membahas rencana akhir pekan mereka bersama paman Dan. Dengan begitu, jawaban yang tepat adalah " weekend plans ".


Topik : Common Expression two

Subtopik : Expression of Dissatisfaction and Satisfaction

Level kognitif:MOTS

Homo : So, how was your trip?

Woman : It was awful. The committee was not professional. I lost a bag but they didn't practice annihilation about it.

Man : That is bad. Well, at least the bout was bang-up, wasn't it?

Adult female : No, it wasn't. We merely stayed at the hotel considering it rained all solar day. They didn't predict the conditions. Boring!

Human : Let me guess. The hotel was terrible besides?

Adult female : You lot bet!

2. What does the adult female express?

  1. Promise
  2. Sympathy
  3. Satisfaction
  4. Expectation
  5. Dissatisfaction

Jawaban: Eastward


Si wanita pada dialog tidak menyukai liburannya karena dipenuhi hal-hal yang mengecewakan. Mulai dari kehilangan tas, sampai hotel yang tidak layak. Dengan begitu, jawaban yang tepat adalah Eastward. " dissatisfaction ".


Topik : Descriptive Text

Subtopik : Introduction to Descriptive Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

This edifice is the master residence of the Emperor of Nihon. It is a large park-like area located in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo and contains buildings including the main palace, the private residences of the Royal Family, an archive, museums and administrative offices.

It is built on the site of the sometime Edo Castle. The total area including the gardens is one.15 square kilometres. The castle itself is surrounded by water. During the height of the 1980s Japanese property bubble, the palace grounds were valued past some to exist more than the value of all of the existent manor in the state of California.

3. Which picture is described in the text?

A.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

B. latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

C.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

D.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

E.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

Jawaban: D


Pada monolog terdapat informasi "The castle itself is surrounded by water." Dengan begitu, gambar yang tepat adalah D karena hanya gambar D yang istananya dikelilingi air.


Topik : Spoof and Report

Subtopik : Report Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

Sirikit Kitiyakara was the queen consort of King Bhumibol Adulyadej and is the mother of Male monarch Vajiralongkorn. She met the King of Thailand in Paris, where her father was Thai ambassador. They married in 1950, shortly before Bhumibol's coronation. Sirikit has i son and three daughters with the king. Consort of the monarch who was the world's longest-reigning head of state, she was also the world's longest-serving consort. Sirikit suffered a stroke on 21 July 2012 and has since refrained from public appearances.

4. Which picture is described in the text?

A.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

B.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

C.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

D.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

Eastward.latihan soal unbk sma bahasa inggris

Jawaban: A


Pada teks disebutkan " She met the King of Thailand in Paris" . Dengan begitu, gambar yang tepat adalah A. (Ratu Sirikit).

Gambar B merupakan ilustrasi Ratu Cleopatra, gambar C adalah Ratu Elizabeth, gambar D adalah Ibu Negara Iriana Joko Widodo, dan gambar D merupakan mantan permaisuri Jepang Michiko.


The text is for question number v .

A train blow occurred in northern Italy. The train traveled at 180 mph when the first car on the railroad train left the rails and separated from the train. It striking a nearby railroad building, killed two railway workers, and injured 27 people.

Constabulary explained that there was some work on the railway the evening before; yet, work on railways happens very often. Constabulary have to investigate the accident considering they practise not know if the piece of work acquired the blow.

Rails workers' unions will keep strike on Friday. They said that the blow was very serious and not acceptable.

Topik : News Item

Subtopik : Aspects ofNews Item

Level kognitif: MOTS

five. What happened after the incident?

  1. The railway was closed.
  2. A protest would be held.
  3. Police force would close the case.
  4. The government would take activeness.
  5. People became afraid to take the railroad train.

Jawaban: B


Setelah kecelakaan, serikat pekerja kereta api akan melakukan unjuk rasa karena mereka menilai bahwa kecelakaan tersebut sangat serius dan tidak dapat ditoleransi ( Runway workers' unions will keep strike on Friday ). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. A protest would be held.


The post-obit text is for question number half dozen .

Thomas Matulessy, also known every bit Kapitan Pattimura or Ahmad Lussy or only Pattimura, was an Ambonese soldier and National Hero of Indonesia. Born on the island of Saparua, Pattimura joined the British army after they took the Maluku islands from the Dutch colonials. When the islands were returned to the Dutch in 1816, he was dismissed. Concerned that the Dutch would implement programs that limited his people, Pattimura led an armed rebellion that captured Fort Duurstede on 16 May 1817. Killing the inhabitants of the fortress and fighting off Dutch reinforcements, on 29 May he was declared the leader of the Maluku people. Later existence betrayed by the Male monarch of Booi Pati Akoon, he was captured by Dutch forces on 11 November and hanged the next month.

Pattimura has go a symbol of both Maluku and Indonesian independence, praised past President Sukarno and declared a national hero past President Suharto. He has several namesakes both in the capital of Maluku, Ambon, and in the rest of the Indonesian archipelago.

Topik : Recount Text

Subtopik : Aspects ofRecount Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

6. What can nosotros infer from the monologue?

  1. The Dutch took Maluku from the British.
  2. Pattimura was born in a nationalist family unit.
  3. Pattimura was executed to end the rebellion.
  4. Thomas Matulessy joined the British army to fight the Dutch.
  5. Pattimura was declared the leader of the Maluku people by Suharto.

Jawaban: C


Kesimpulan yang tepat adalah C. Pattimura dihukum mati karena Belanda ingin agar para pemberontak kehilangan pemimpinnya dan pada akhirnya berhenti memberontak.



The following text is for questions number 7 -8 .

The Announcement of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.grand. on Fri, 17 August 1945. The document was signed past Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed president and vice-president respectively the post-obit solar day. The draft was prepared only a few hours before on the night of 16 Baronial 1945 past Sukarno, Hatta, and Soebardjo, at the house of Rear-Admiral Tadashi Maeda.

The wording of the proclamation had been discussed at length and had to balance both conflicting internal Indonesian and Japanese interests. Sukarno drafted the concluding proclamation which balanced the interests of both the members of the youth movement and the Japanese. The term 'TRANSFER OF Power' was used in Indonesian to satisfy Japanese interests to announced that it was an administrative transfer of power, although the term used 'pemindahan kekuasaan' could be perceived to mean political ability. The diction 'By Conscientious MEANS' related to preventing conflict with members of the youth motion. The wording 'IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME' was used to see the needs of all Indonesians for independence.

Initially the annunciation was to be announced at Djakarta central square, but the military had been sent to monitor the area, so the venue was inverse to Sukarno's house at Pegangsaan Timur 56. The declaration was heard throughout the country because the text was secretly  broadcast by Indonesian radio personnel using the transmitters of the Jakarta Broadcasting Station.

Topik : Recount Text

Subtopik : Aspects of Recount Text

Level kognitif: LOTS

vii. What is the main thought of the 2d paragraph?

  1. The location of the proclamation.
  2. The night before the announcement.
  3. The term 'TRANSFER OF Power'.
  4. Discussion choice in the text of proclamation.
  5. The preparation of Indonesian independence.

Jawaban: D


Paragraf kedua membahas pemilihan kata, frasa, dan klausa yang digunakan dalam teks proklamasi. Pemilihan frasa seperti ' TRANSFER OF POWER', 'BY Careful MEANS' , dan 'IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE Fourth dimension'  dipilih dengan hati-hati agar dapat mewakili kepentingan Indonesia dan Jepang.


Topik : Recount Text

Subtopik : Aspects of Recount Text

Level kognitif: MOTS

8. "the text was secretly circulate" (Par. 3). The underlined word has similar meaning to ….

  1. continuously
  2. formally
  3. openly
  4. publicly
  5. quietly

Jawaban: E


Kata "secretly" artinya secara rahasia sehingga sinonim yang tepat adalah "quietly"  yang artinya secara diam-diam.

Kata  "continuously"  artinya secara terus-menerus, kata "formally"  artinya secara formal, "openly"  dan "publicly"  artinya secara terbuka


The following text is for question number 9 .


This is to inform all members of Staff and the Full general Public that the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Atlanta, will be closed on Monday November eleven, 2019 to observe the Veteran's Day holiday declared past the United states Government.

2. Normal business will resume on Thursday, Nov 12, 2019.

Consulate General of Nigeria, Atlanta

Topik : Announcement

Subtopik : What is an Announcement?

Level kognitif: HOTS

9. What is the purpose of the text?

  1. To inform public holidays in Nigeria.
  2. To announce the Veteran'southward Day celebration.
  3. To invite the staff of the Consulate General of Nigeria to the White House.
  4. To tell Nigeria about the Veteran's Day concur by the United states of America.
  5. To announce the Consulate General of Nigeria closing due to the US Veteran's Twenty-four hour period.

Jawaban: Eastward


Pengumuman di atas menginformasikan tentang penutupan Konsulat Jenderal Nigeria di Atlanta karena mereka akan merayakan Hari Veteran Amerika Serikat. Dengan begitu, jawaban yang tepat adalah E.


The following text is for question s  number x -11 .

A Long time ago a very brutal king named Virat Singh. He was the ruler of Vijay Nagar. All citizens were fearful because of his cruelty.

Virat has a dog named Jack, which he used to love more than anything, one fateful morning Jack died. Virat Singh organized concluding rituals for the canis familiaris, entire metropolis came to the cremation ground. Virat Singh was very happy to see that people love him so much and he felt he is the most popular king in the world. Later few days Virat Singh died, just nobody came for his funerals.

Topik : Narrative Text

Subtopik : Introduction to Narrative Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

10. From the text we tin infer that …

  1. the citizens were afraid of the dog.
  2. Virat Singh was killed by his people.
  3. the dog was actually the Rex's child.
  4. the people loved the canis familiaris more than the king.
  5. nobody came to the king's funeral because it was far.

Jawaban: D


Kesimpulan yang tepat adalah D. Rakyat dalam cerita lebih mencintai si anjing daripada raja mereka sendiri. Kesimpulan ini tepat karena pada cerita disebutkan bahwa semua orang menghadiri pemakaman si anjing, tetapi tidak ada satupun yang menghadiri pemakaman si raja.


Topik : Narrative Text

Subtopik : Introduction to Narrative Text

Level kognitif: LOTS

11. The citizens abandoned the king … he died.

  1. when
  2. before
  3. while
  4. until
  5. whenever

Jawaban: A


Konjungsi yang tepat adalah "when"  sehingga kalimatnya berbunyi "Semua penduduk meninggalkan si raja ketika ia meninggal."


The following text is for question number 12 .

Howdy Felyta!

Information technology's been as well long since our last visit, and I thought I'd write to you to see how everything is. So, how are you and the family unit doing? I call back precisely and perfectly Janice is just nearly to start kindergarten, right? That must be heady; she was always such a vivid girl. And what form is Silas going into? 7th or 8th? He's growing up so fast. They both are, really.

        My kids are getting ready for the school year as well. Galen just mentioned you guys the other twenty-four hour period while nosotros were at the park. He remembered how Janice was throwing the pebbles last time and asked when he'd get to play with her once again. I actually hope that I tin can tell him y'all'll all be visiting presently. You guys should drive up for a weekend out with us. There'south a new eating place in boondocks, and I think you'd similar it; information technology'southward very simple and cozy.

        We all miss you very much, Felyta, and the family unit is welcome to come visit any time at all. I hope all is well with everyone. Please send hellos from all of us to your family. Talk to you soon.



Topik : Personal Letter

Subtopik : Aspects of Personal Letter of the alphabet

Level kognitif: MOTS

12. From the text we know Maria remembered that ...

  1. Felyta was her neighbor.
  2. they used to be classmates.
  3. their children went to the aforementioned university.
  4. they always celebrated Christmas together.
  5. Felyta's girl was going to enter kindergarten.

Jawaban: Due east


Hal yang masih diingat Maria adalah Janice (anak Felyta) akan masuk TK tahun itu ( I call up precisely and perfectly Janice is simply about to first kindergarten, right? ). Dengan begitu, jawaban yang tepat adalah E.


Questions number 13  to fourteen  are based on the post-obit text.

What you need:

-Your Smartphone

-Wi-Fi Connection

Steps to connect to a network:

ane.Tap settings.

two.Tap Wi-Fi.

three.Turn on the Wi-Fi, your smartphone will automatically search for available Wi-Fi networks.

4.Tap the name of your desired Wi-Fi network:

  • If the network is not password-protected, a check-marker will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.
  • If the network is password-protected, y'all will exist prompted to enter the countersign. A check-mark will announced to the correct of the network if your smartphone is continued to the network.

5.If your desired network does non appear, it is possible that your network is hidden:

  • Tap other.
  • Enter the exact name of the network.
  • If it exists, yous volition be prompted to enter the password. A check-mark will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.

Topik : Procedures

Subtopik : Aspects of Procedures

Level kognitif: MOTS

 13. Later reading the text, the reader volition be able to ...

  1. scan the internet.
  2. find Wi-Fi signals effectually them.
  3. make new friends on the net.
  4. find a good modem to brand a new connection.
  5. tell the other readers to detect network connections.

Jawaban: A


Setelah membaca dan melakukan tips di atas, dapat dipastikan bahwa pembaca dapat terkoneksi dengan internet dan menggunakannya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


Topik : Procedures

Subtopik : Aspects of Procedures

Level kognitif: MOTS

 14. What is one possible condition if your network does not appear?

  1. Your phone is cleaved.
  2. The network is hidden.
  3. The network is password-protected.
  4. You don't have enough telephone credit.
  5. The network is not password-protected.

Jawaban: B


Pada langkah kelima tertulis: "If your desired network does not announced, it is possible that your network is hidden." Dengan begitu, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The network is hidden.


The following text is for question number 15.

The Nifty Wall of China is the largest and the longest wall to have ever congenital by humans. Several walls were being built from as early on as the 7th century BC by ancient Chinese states; selective stretches were later joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the start Emperor of China. Little of the Qin wall remains. Later on, many successive dynasties have congenital and maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The nearly well-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644)

Collectively, the Great Wall stretches from Dandong in the eastward to Lop Lake in the west. The structure materials  were mainly earth, woods, stones, sand, and bricks, used depending on construction era and construction site with different climate and local materials. Its average height ranges from 6 to seven meters and the tallest part reaches around xiv meters. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using avant-garde  technologies, has concluded that the walls congenital past the Ming dynasty measure 8,850 km. This is made up of half-dozen,259 km sections of actual wall, 359 km of trenches and 2,232 km of natural defensive barriers such every bit hills and rivers. The entire wall with all of its branches measures out to be 21,196 km.

Topik : Descriptive Text

Subtopik : Introduction to Descriptive Text

Level kognitif: MOTS

 15. "using avant-garde technologies"  (Par. 2). The underlined word is synonymous with ….

  1. affordable
  2. expensive
  3. modern
  4. old
  5. useful

Jawaban: C


Kata "advanced" artinya modern sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Kata "affordable"  artinya terjangkau, "expensive" artinya mahal, "old"  artinya tua, dan "useful"  artinya berguna.


The following text is for questions number 16  to 17 .

Studying is a dreaded word that many college students detest to hear, only how about doing it internationally? Traveling the world is something many hope to do in life, so why non do it now while in college?

Exposure to international countries volition allow college students the incredible feel of traveling. It also makes students aware of the way others work on a day-to-twenty-four hour period footing. Students volition also do good socially from studying abroad due to the independence traveling internationally brings someone. Traveling abroad will brand sure students volition be more than independent and mature than when they left. This is due to the educatee getting out of their comfort zone and trying something new.

Studying away has many advantages. There is no substitution for "being there." In the 20-first century nosotros can experience things online simply the only way to feel it fully is to travel.

Topik : Exposition Text

Subtopik : Hortatory Exposition Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

 16. Which of the following data can be found in the text?

  1. Studying abroad may cost y'all a lot of coin.
  2. Studying abroad will improve your social skills.
  3. Learning everything online is better than traveling abroad.
  4. Studying in another country should be done equally early on equally possible.
  5. Students who written report abroad are more successful than those who don't.

Jawaban: B


Pada paragraf kedua disebutkan bahwa dengan belajar di luar negeri, murid dapat mendapatkan manfaat sosial ( Students will also benefit socially from studying abroad due to the independence traveling internationally brings someone ) atau dengan kata lain, belajar di luar negeri akan meningkatkan kemampuan sosial murid. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.


Topik : Exposition Text

Subtopik : Hortatory Exposition Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

17. What is the author's recommendation regarding studying abroad?

  1. Students must travel to gain real experience.
  2. The needs of students should exist learned internationally.
  3. Parents who don't ship their kids abroad need to be sanctioned.
  4. Schools must make special programs for their students to report abroad.
  5. Parents have to make a study abroad upkeep since their kids are in primary schools.

Jawaban: A


Pada kalimat akhir, si penulis merekomendasikan para siswa untuk berangkat ke luar negeri karena tidak cukup mempelajari dunia luar hanya dengan metode online ( "...we can experience things online, but the only way to experience it fully is to travel." )


The following text is for question number 18.

Smoking a cigarette may exist a normal routine to some, but in reality, it is purely a harmful activity. Ingesting smoke can be lethal, and can cause many diseases, such as cancer. But 1 mutual issue that most smokers overlook is its impact on others. This is known as secondhand smoke, the fume produced from a cigarette or the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Secondhand smoke is a silent killer.

Smoking doesn't merely affect people, only also the environs. I am fairly sure that every person in this room has seen a cigarette butt lying somewhere, at some betoken in their lives. Whether it'south on the curb of a neighborhood street, on the sandy beach, or in your favorite park, this litter can be constitute simply about anywhere. Most smokers don't even believe that a cigarette butt is actually litter, but trust me, information technology is.

I personally think that breathing clean and pure air is a bones correct for any human. Assuasive public smoking is taking abroad that correct, and making the air we breathe in daily possibly harmful to our well-being.

Topik : Exposition

Subtopik : Belittling Text

Level kognitif: HOTS

 xviii. " Smoking doesn't merely bear upon people, but as well the surround. "

Change the sentence to a higher place into passive voice!

  1. People and environment are affected by smoking.
  2. People and environment were afflicted by smoking.
  3. People and environs will be afflicted by smoking.
  4. People and surround can be affected by smoking.
  5. People and environment had been afflicted by smoking.

Jawaban: A


Kalimat pada soal ditulis menggunakan simple present  (terdapat kata  "doesn't" ). Dengan begitu, kalimat pasifnya haruslah dalam bentuk unproblematic nowadays  ( is/am/are + V3 ). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


The text is for question number 19 .

Dear Mr. Ferguson,

On the behalf of Domina Sales & Marketing Pvt Ltd, I am glad to invite you for the business height 2020 to be held at the head office of our visitor on Friday Feb, 21st, 2020. The subject of this business meet is the distribution of all saleable products. We take enclosed a business come across imitation containing all essential detail of summit including venue, coming together hours and subjects of discussions for your prepare reference.

We request y'all to bring all official documents in gild to discuss all fiscal and distribution issues which you have been through in the yr of 2019.

Yours Sincerely,

Managing director- Sales & Marketing

Topik : Formal Letters

Subtopik : Invitation Letter

Level kognitif: MOTS

19. Why is the text written?

  1. To announce an office move.
  2. To inform the company's growth.
  3. To invite Mr. Ferguson to the business concern peak 2020.
  4. To present Domina Sales & Marketing Pvt Ltd and its clients.
  5. To inform the new location of Domina Sales & Marketing Pvt Ltd.


Alasan si penulis mengirim surat kepada Mr. Ferguson dapat dilihat pada kalimat awal paragraf pertama: " I am glad to invite you  for the business organisation superlative 2020". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. To invite Mr. Ferguson to the business summit 2020.


Mudah dipahami 'kan soal-soal? Jangan patah semangat dan jangan takut. Selalu jaga kesehatan diri sendiri dan lingkunganmu ya. Ayo, tetap belajar dengan video beranimasi dan ribuan latihan soal di ruangbelajar.

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Source: https://www.ruangguru.com/blog/latihan-soal-unbk-sma-bahasa-inggris-tahun-2020

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